Wednesday, 3 December 2014


Soccer and gymnastics

This year I have participated in.


Interesting vocabulary
Athletics day.

 Felling                        Action words
Excited                        Jumped high
Nerves.                         Running fast
Energised.                     Throwing like a frispy
Happy.                           Puffed out
Preserving                       Trying hard
Interested.                        Sturgling
Intreeged.                         Joging.                    
Enjoying it.                     Using my mucils.          


On athletics day we did  athletics. The people that were in the champs were Dallas Calvin  Reco Harrison and Cody and Depp and I . The first thing we did was disks. I wasn't neves I was happy because we were doing sport. On the first round on disks I came  3 but I was confident but on the scone round I came 2nd and  I was prod of myself. Then we moved on the to high jump. All the champ went up stags. In me head that I was going to win and try my best so I did the first boy on champs that was out was Dallas. Antil the end their were only to people in the champs it was Calivin and I. Ms North put it up super high so I and Calivin tryd are hardes but we failed so we came 1st exwil. Then we moved onto shot. On shot I used my mucils to posh the ball away but I came 3 and I persevered. After I finshed we all went to morning tea after lunch we had ruining races. When Ms cornels came and seid 9 year old boys champs to came up. We race and I came 4th In the  long race. I came 2nd and at short sprints and I perfved. I was prod of my house couler. When we had a relay race at the end we were coming first but JANIRO came behide him and sprinted and red house couler came 1st and  my house couler green came 2nd. After that we were finshed runing we went back to class and Ms willbernd  read us a book.

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

We are learning about financial literacy

This is my history of money homework project 

In class we ernd class dollars for working well or talking responsibility.

Our group

In our inquiry groups we decided what we were going to make and sell at the market day.

We surveyed another class and used the information to make decisions about our product.

The materials we used.

Fist we found some rock and then we washed the stones. After the teacher spray painted the stones.
The we drawed the mouths for them and then put the teeth on.

Monday, 1 December 2014

Sunday, 23 November 2014

Reading- cats opinion.

The green high light means bad. Pink means good and yellow means interesting.

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

We did thankyou letters.

School road

10th of November 2014

Mr Jordan McCalman

Dear Jordan McCalman

When I was putting up the tent  by the Rambo rooms I  wouldn't have put it without you.  Thank you Jordan.

Thank you for helping to transport for us. If you weren't there for transporting there wouldn't be enough Clive kids able to come.

The most fun activity  was white water rafting. What I found out was that you have to grab the life jacket by their shoulder then lift and then lean back.

During that time you taught us, to not drop rubbish on their yard because they 
will find out where you live and drop rubbish on your back yard.

Your sincerely.

 Te Mana Pohatu.  

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Lester and Clyde

We did our school production. Our room did spooky nose. 
It was getting full and full and full of parents.
It was hot in the hall.
I was saying  creepy crawly critters ow!
It was cool performing in front of people.
I think there was about 100 people at the production. Their was all sorts of colour on the parents  cloths.
I felt confided to perform in front of a 100  people. 
  After our  performing we went in the cage we were playing passes with the ball.
At the same time we could here the Clive kids sing in the hall.
The hole school performed in the Clive school hall.

Sunday, 21 September 2014

App sharing.

In App sharing I learned about music.  This is the app I liked best. 

Writing - we are writing recounts about our cross country race.

Cross country!

On cross country day we were geting ready for cross country. Out room 9 class room.
 It was little bit cold you could see the blue flowers in the car park. I was racing all the 9 year olds.All the 9 year old girls were Zoe Tiffny Ella & Caitlian.  Now it is the 9 year old boys.
We all we nevest walking to the line calvin was next to me on the yellow line.Then bang at the start I was 1st then when we got half way to the end of school road Reco past and janeiro an deep and calvin then I came fith. I sure Blade he had be fainted. A lot of people was coulerfull cloths and the other  people in school cloths wen't cololer full. I looked at all of the children at they was all looking at me after that we sat in fran't of the plants and plaed a game.  Then  we had to wait for the rest of the people to ran the olds peope at clive school were 11your olds I went for Adiahpa and when he came 1 I new he will come 1 and  he was exzorsted.

Science term 4

Spelling city term 3.

I started on level 3 I am now working on level 5.

Wednesday, 10 September 2014


 I can put fractions on a number line by myself.

I can use 'splits' to subtract numbers by myself.

I can take away bigger numbers too.
By myself.

I look ten off and used splits to take away the ones.